
Review – ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove!

  • Platforms: Playstation 4 (Reviewed), Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC
  • Developer: HumaNature Studios
  • Publisher: HumaNature Studios
  • Release Date: March 1st, 2019

There are so many nostalgic franchises from past console generations making a resurgence in present day. Franchises like Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, and tomorrow the classic Sega Genesis series ToeJam & Earl. Thanks in part to a successful Kickstarter campaign, the intergalactic rap duo has returned with ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove!, which returns the series to its roots and should be a blast to the past for anyone who enjoyed the original games in the 90’s.

Back in the Groove! opens with titular characters ToeJam and Earl piloting a “borrowed” spacecraft, cruising the galaxy and trying to impress aliens Latisha and Lewanda by taking them on a trip to Earth. During their travels they decide to crank up the tunes, and in the process accidentally hit the blackhole generator button and, of course, get consumed by a blackhole.

The ToeJam & Earl series really does get back in the groove, as the game really feels like a direct sequel to the 1991 original, more so than any other entry. After dabbling in the 2D sidescrolling and 3D adventure genres, ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! is an isometric roguelike where up to four players, locally or online, take control of either Toe Jam, Earl, Latisha, Lewanda, or a few unlockables and collect parts of their crashed spaceship to make their escape. Once each level has been explored and the part has been collected, the player must scurry to an elevator and be raised to the next level.

Throughout each level there are presents scattered and hidden in bushes, trees and shrubbery. These randomized gifts are unidentified and can be used blindly, or they can be stashed and identified by a NPC for some of your hard-earned cash. The presents are really what can either make or break your current run, containing either boosts and special abilities, or different detriments that can set you back.

Each level is crammed full of random NPC’s that either want to assist you or maul you to death. Back in the Groove! features many of the same enemies, or bad earthlings, from the original TJ & E game, such as man-eating mailboxes, trancing hula girls, little chubby devils, and tornadoes that try and throw you off the level. There are also good earthlings that will try and assist you along the way by helping you uncover hidden presents, heal you, and level you up once you’ve gained enough experience points.

ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! is not a traditional roguelike that has one life permadeath, and it can be extremely generous with healing items and presents at times. Even if an enemy knocks you off of the level you just return to the previous one and have to backtrack to the elevator again. That being said, some levels can have a huge difficulty spike, with hordes of enemies that you can’t seem to outrun and that hit like a Mack truck.

Back in the Groove!’s visual style is easily the best feature of the game, with graphics that scream Saturday morning cartoons and 90’s nostalgia. The game also has an excellent soundtrack with the same funky beats that TJ & E fans have grown to love over the years. Another excellent little feature is the inclusion of throwback skins for both ToeJam and Earl to give them the same look as the original game.

If you’ve never played a ToeJam & Earl title you should know before considering the purchase that the series has a very 90’s sense of humor. ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! carries that same humor, so if you’re not a fan of barf and fart jokes this series certainly isn’t right for you.

While ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! may not be for some audiences that don’t understand the franchises appeal, fans of the series and backers of the Kickstarter campaign should be more than happy with this throwback to one of the gems of the Sega Genesis era. The game’s simple concept and addicting roguelike mechanics are easy to pick up and very difficult to put down. By going back to its roots and paying plenty of fan service to the original game that started it all, ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! is a game that does not disappoint.

A Playstation 4 review code for ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! was provided by HumaNature Studios




Josh Gilbert

Josh is the Co-founder and a Senior Writer for Controller Crusade, and loves all things related to video games. He is a retro games collector trying to recapture his childhood one game at a time, and he also has a major dude crush on Nathan Drake. You can contact him via email at or on Twitter @joshgilbert11.

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