E3 2016Editorials

Is This the Leakiest E3 Ever?

For those of us in Los Angeles, E3 may feel like it’s already in full swing, but the show doesn’t technically start for another two days. Yet already we’re seeing what seems like an unprecedented number of leaks. It’s almost worth asking “Are there any surprises left?”

Today we’ve had leaks from some of the companies that are generally regarded as being water-tight. Nintendo has had some artwork leaked for the new Zelda and Microsoft has had practically their entire schedule leaked. We’ve already gotten screenshots for ReCore and Dead Rising 4 and State of Decay 2 – two games that haven’t even been announced yet – and even the existence of the new Xbox One S with 4K support.  One leak could be an accident, two a coincidence, but this many seems to be the beginning of a flood.

Even those that haven’t leaked have been forced to play their hands early. Sony has confirmed the existence of the PS4 Neo, and countless games have been revealed in the week leading up to E3, whether it be Battlefield 1, Watch_Dogs 2, or Injustice 2. It almost seems as if E3 is less of a place meant for surprises, and more of an event that expands on things we already know more about.

It’s not as if E3 hasn’t had leaks before.  Past shows have have their fair share of leaks as well, but it’s been a long time since so many came so quickly.  It could be a symptom of people being hungry for as much news as they can get, or just that E3 has gotten so big with so many people involved that it’s impossible to keep a lid on everything.  As for us, we hope that there are still some surprises left.  E3 loses a little something without a big announcement that nobody expected.

What do you think? Is this the leakiest E3 we’ve ever seen, or is there another year that had even more holes? And how do you feel about games being announced before the big show – it’s not a stretch to think that many people to get their news this way rather than in one big blast. Either way, let us know in the comments, on Twitter, and on Facebook.

Justin Arnott

Justin is the Founder of Controller Crusade and has played video games for as long as he can remember. He loves all games but there's an extra special place in his heart for anything created by Nintendo. He's also a big retro gamer and is deeply interested in video game history—so there's that. You can contact him via email at jarnott@controllercrusade.com or via Twitter @sirultimos

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