Games That Have Been Helping Us Through Quarantine
There’s no question that the Coronavirus pandemic has been tough for everyone over the last year. Gaming has become somewhat of a saving grace during these times, as we’re all confined to our homes, away from our family and friends. Gaming has always been a great way to connect with friends and offer a little bit of escapism from the real world, which is why consoles have been flying off store shelves and video game sales have gone through the roof as new people flock to the hobby. Here are just some of the many games that have been helping us get through quarantine.
Josh’s Pick: Forza Horizon 4

There’s just something so therapeutic about hitting the open road, and that’s exactly what I’ve found myself doing time and time again throughout the last year – at least in Forza Horizon 4. Most of my time spent in Forza Horizon 4 isn’t even racing, as I’ve found motoring through the UK Countryside to be extremely relaxing. In an odd way the game sort of scratches a little bit of that travel itch I get from being cooped up inside for the majority of my free time, and any little bit of escapism I can get these days I’ll definitely take. Whether it’s cruising in my 1967 Corvette Stingray on a Fall afternoon or traveling at break-neck speeds in a Lamborghini during the Summer season, Forza Horizon 4 has easily been on of my go-to games during quarantine.
Justin’s Pick: Gears 5

What can I say? I like Gears of War. The multiplayer has been keeping me entertained during these endless quarantine nights. Every few months a new season is released – which brings with it new unlockables and modes. Since each new season resets my rank, it keeps me coming back. That slow grind of building back up to the highest rank (which I’ve done 3 times now) has given me something to do in my downtime. And hot damn have we all had a lot of downtime.
Then there’s Horde mode, the Gears co-op mode where you fight wave after wave of increasingly stronger enemies. It’s not even the act of playing the game that’s so enticing – it’s the chance to talk to someone outside my household. A full game of horde can take up to two hours to finish, so when my friends and I party up and pop on our headsets it’s less about shooting the Locust horde and more about shooting the shit.
Josh’s Pick: Stardew Valley

It’s been tough not seeing friends over the past year, it’s always nice to get together in one of my favourite games of all time: Stardew Valley. The continued work from ConcernedApe to add all of the multiplayer functionality and content updates since the game’s release just over five years ago has kept me continually coming back for more, occasionally bringing friends along with me. Forging our own little community within the game while just catching up with what’s going on in each other’s lives has softened the blow of not being able to see each other in person, and with the latest update adding splitscreen local multiplayer I’ve even been able to get my Significant Other to try her hand at farming as well.
Justin’s Pick: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

A lot of people like to call Assassin’s Creed “virtual tourism”, and you know what? Yeah.
I’m a big traveller. A tourist. I like going to new places and seeing things I never could at home. But I didn’t exactly get to do a lot of that this past year, did I? At least I have AC. Ubisoft always goes through the trouble of painstakingly recreating a part of history in amazing detail, and this time I’m here for it. It doesn’t even have to be Valhalla – that’s just the latest Creed game I’ve been playing. During the past year I’ve gotten to explore revolutionary Paris, and sail cross the Aegean to see the Greek islands. It’s scratches that itch to see beyond the four walls of my apartment.
So “virtual tourism”? Sure. It fits. I’m a tourist, and during a global pandemic when we’re only allowed to do things virtually, the term “virtual tourism” doesn’t sound all that bad.
So there you have it, just a small sampling of the many games that have kept us going during all of the quarantines and lockdowns throughout the past year. What games have been keeping you entertained during these trying times? Let us know down in the comment section below, but most of all, stay safe and stay healthy.