New DLC, 3DS Theme, And More Coming To Story Of Seasons: Trio Of Towns On November 9th
A flurry of new content is just around the corner for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, as XSEED Games has announced DLC, a custom theme, and a free update arriving on November 9th. The free update will include various gameplay improvements as well as four new outfits, which include Lest and Frey’s attire from Rune Factory 4. Despite some initial doubts, XSEED has decided to localize their Trio of Towns DLC to the West.

The DLC pack, titled the “New Neighbors Pack“, will introduce two new romance candidates: Stephanie and Woofio. The DLC also includes friendship and romance events for the two characters. The New Neighbors Pack will be available for download for $7.99, and players will need to download the new update to purchase the content. The custom 3DS theme will also be available for download for $1.99.